Let’s finish the job
The case for urgent investment for the wilding conifer crisis.
The Wilding Pine Network is spearheading a national advocacy campaign to raise awareness of the serious and compounding impact of insufficient funding for the national wilding control programme.
Two-thirds of critical work has been deferred since the 2023/24 financial year due to a significant reduction in funding for the national programme.
This means we are quickly losing ground across the country in areas affected by wilding pines and control costs are increasing exponentially.
We will need to walk away from some areas due to a lack of investment. This is a serious threat to our environment, our landscapes and our economy.
We must collectively act now
We are at a tipping point – if we don’t invest in wilding pine control properly now, we will lose iconic landscapes across New Zealand and create a considerably more expensive problem.
The government has committed $10M per annum – it’s estimated the programme needs a minimum of $25M this year alone to maintain the gains and keep removing seed sources – the funding shortfall this year is $15M. This figure compounds by 30% for every year the programme is underfunded.
The job is half done – the stakes are high – let’s finish the job!
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How you can help
- Watch the video and read the campaign information pack below.
- Partner with us in political advocacy.
- Use your channels and networks – Use the template letter below or formulate your own and share the Business Case and Seven Sharp segment. Traffic can be sent to this page: https://wildingpinenetwork.org.nz/lets-finish-the-job/
- Support farmers, iwi and community groups in wilding pine affected areas to remove pest trees especially Contorta and Douglas Fir. Find out about control methods here.
- If your group or organisation can apply for funding for local pest control or biosecurity projects, please do. The Wilding Pine Network can help with applications.
Campaign Resources
Download the campaign information pack that will help stakeholders across Aotearoa work together to understand the campaign, advocate for more funding and raise public awareness.
Download the campaign summary that you can use as a briefing document to share key information to stakeholders and partners.
Download a Word Letter Template that you can amend with your own local examples – use it to lobby the government, your local Council or MP or even write a letter to your local newspaper.
Social Media Tiles – share these social media images far and wide to support our campaign.
Read the 2022 Cost Benefit Analysis then join the campaign! This document was prepared for the Ministry for Primary Industries on behalf of the National Wilding Conifer Control Programme regarding benefits and costs of additional investment in wilding conifer control. This is a critical document in our work to recover the funding we need to keep the programme on track.