Campaign launched - Let's Finish the Job! - Find out more...

Let’s finish the job

A call to action to address the funding gap for one of Aotearoa’s most damaging biosecurity issues.

We have started a campaign called “Lets Finish the Job”. Wilding pines represent one of the most significant threats to biodiversity, iconic and productive landscapes, hydroelectric generation, and water yield.

The recent Government decision to reduce funding to the National Wilding Conifer Control Programme by 75% (from $25m to $10m/annum) is effectively a death sentence for effective and sustainable wilding pine management in New Zealand.

Wilding pines do not stop growing because the funding reduces. We acknowledge the support the programme has received from the Government to date, but the job is half done. The significant funding reduction will rapidly reverse the progress that has been made AND require an exponentially higher investment in the future to recover the gains that will be lost.

We need to regain the funding needed to finish the job. This would be a combination of government, Council, agencies, NGO’s, corporates and philanthropy. We need your help – read on to find out what you can do.

Campaign Resources

Download the campaign information pack that will help stakeholders across Aotearoa work together to understand the campaign, advocate for more funding and raise public awareness to maximise influence ahead of the election.

Download a Word Letter Template that you can amend with your own local examples – use it to lobby the government, your local Council or MP or even write a letter to your local newspaper.

Grahame Sydney

Build on our great Sunday Star Times article from 3rd September. Make Let’s Finish the Job a hot topic in the media with your own local stories.

To help you lobby MP’s we have provided a list of MP’s and their email addresses for all the electorates where wilding pines are an issue. Watch out for regional meet the candidates meetings – attend and ask questions about wilding funding.

View a short video that graphically shows why the funding cut is so short sighted.

Read the 2022 Cost Benefit Analysis then join the campaign! After nearly a year of waiting, this invaluable document is now available. The document was prepared for the Ministry for Primary Industries on behalf of the National Wilding Conifer Control Programme regarding benefits and costs of additional investment in wilding conifer control.

This is a critical document in our work to recover the funding we need to keep the programme on track.

Let’s get these facts and figures out in your community, in the media and in letters and meetings with politicians. Use them to support your funding applications.