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2023 Conference 18-20 October Queenstown

Date: 27th April 2023

We have recently confirmed the 2023 conference location as Queenstown. It will be in the Memorial Hall in Queenstown on the above dates. I would like to acknowledge Queenstown Lakes District Council for their help with a venue. Memorial Hall is close to a range of accommodation and restaurants – all of which are in walking distance, and you also get the stunning iconic Queenstown views.

Check out the conference page on this website. I will keep updating this as we progress with planning, and you will also register here as well.

Memorial Hall – 1 Memorial Street. Very apt background!!!

The conference theme will be around sustaining and building social license for wilding pine management. Queenstown and the work of various groups including the Whakatipu Wilding Conifer Control Group, Arrowtown Choppers and the Central Otago Wilding Conifer Control Group provide some great examples and experiences of advocating for and undertaking wilding work in and around where people live. We also need to grow our support base to increase our lobbying power to keep funding to levels where we can sustain the gains.

If you have ideas for presentations, speakers or would like to do a talk or be a sponsor, please email me:

We will also have updates from the MPI team as well as scientists working in this space and at least 2 field trips. MPI support of the conference also allows us to subsidise travel costs for at least four speakers from iwi and community groups from outside the Central Otago region.

Keep a lookout as I will update this page as we work through planning…

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