Wilding Pine Network
The Wilding Pine Network is an Incorporated Society aiming to raise awareness of the wilding conifer issue, advocate for funding for wilding conifer control, and provide nation-wide coordination of and advice to community groups involved in active wilding conifer management.
Community Groups
Our community groups play an important part of wilding conifer control. These groups often organise volunteer days, and welcome your help. Being part of a group can be fun and rewarding. You don’t need any special knowledge, skills or tools, just an average level of fitness.
Webinar & Resources
The Wilding Pine Network facilitates information sharing through webinars, newsletters, reports, and workshops. Our Resources page has links to our webinars and publications, as well as details about latest research findings.
Let’s finish the job
The case for urgent investment for the wilding conifer crisis
The recent Government decision to cut funding to the National Wilding Conifer Control Programme by 75% (from $25m to $10m/annum) is effectively a death sentence for effective and sustainable wilding pine management in New Zealand.
Join our campaign to advocate for increased funding to the Wilding Conifer Control Programme and Let’s finish the job…