About Wilding Pine Network
The Wilding Pine Network is an advocacy and advisory group comprised of organisations and individuals involved in wilding conifer/ wilding pine management and research.
We are an Incorporated Society aiming to raise awareness of the wilding conifer issue, advocate for funding for wilding conifer control, and provide nation-wide coordination of and advice to community groups involved in wilding conifer management. The current chair of the Network is Richard Bowman, and the coordinator is Jo Ritchie.

How does the WPN fit in the wilding conifer management space?
The Wilding Pine Network advises the National Wilding Conifer Control Programme, led by Biosecurity New Zealand/ MPI, on good practice and engagement with communities. We additionally provide advice and support to iwi, community groups, trusts, and anyone who needs help.
This might be around funding opportunities, setting up a new group, dealing with an issue or the latest science. Essentially we are here to support you in any area of wilding work. This may be a phone call, email or a visit to your project. However, we do not fund wilding management ourselves or physically undertake work on the ground.
How is the WPN governed?
The WPN is directed by a Management Committee comprised of representatives from our stakeholder organisations. There are currently seven voting members on the Management Committee: two from community groups, two from regional councils, one from an NGO, one from the forestry industry, and one from the farming industry. For more information about the WPN’s structure and governance, please see our Rules.

Interested in joining us?
Our mailing list is free and open to anyone. If you would like to be added please email Jo.
Members of the WPN are any organisations who are interested in wilding conifers. Member organisations pay an annual subscription fee which is used to support the coordinator’s services and subsidise the annual Wilding Pines Conference. We are always keen to expand our network.
For information about how to join or set up a new group, please email Jo at jo@wildingpinenetwork.org.nz