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Conference 2024 is coming – 16th to 18th October – SAVE THE DATE.

Date: 25th April 2024

16th to 18th October is the date booked for this year’s conference in Taupo. Yep, people North Island this time. By the end of May, we will have a theme confirmed and will start developing a programme. It’s likely our theme will be around future proofing.

One idea from a past conference attendee was how about “Innovation and Collaboration for Sustainable Solutions”? This theme could emphasize the need for creative approaches and working together to address the wilding conifer issue in New Zealand, even with limited funding. It could encourage attendees to explore new ideas and partnerships to tackle the problem effectively.

Our conference is a partnership with MPI who also provide some funding to help with travel for community participants. This year we are considering breakout sessions on key subjects such as fund raising and community action. Feedback from the questionnaire sent out with our Autumn 2024 newsletter suggested the following:

  • technological advances e.g. herbicides, drones
  • involving contractors more,
  • a session on tips and tricks from the field,
  • Contorta boom spraying – successes and failures
  • A problem solving workshop sharing knowledge and challenges
  • The government’s view on protecting the environment – what do they care about, intend to prioritise
  • Beyond government funding -what are our options to successfully leverage off what we get.

If you have ideas about a theme, topics to cover, would like to present, would like someone else to present, have ideas for a keynote please email before the end of May. Use this email to let me know whether your group needs some help with travel costs. We also need sponsors so if you would like to be one of these – email me as well.

We will also ensure that we don’t pack the speaking slots too full so there is ample time for questions and answers and conversations and probably bring back the conference dinner. There will be a couple of field trips and we will have decent labels for you all this time not ones that fall off when you stand up!

Taupo is a great place to visit with some really interesting wilding projects in extraordinary places (e.g. Tongariro National Park, thermal areas) being undertaken by communities, mana whenua, Councils, Department of Conservation, forestry companies and landowners.

Please save the date and book travel and accommodation early. The Great Lake Centre is close to town -see #4 on the map below and there is lots of accommodation within walking distance.

  • October 16th to 18th. Please come along so we can make our annual get together as good as it was in Queenstown. We warmly welcome you all and hope to see some new faces as well.

Posted in: News