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Finding solutions to big challenges… a great example from Central Otago

Date: 16th April 2024

Shelterbelts are an essential tool in exposed landscapes to protect property, get a garden or crops to grow as well as protect stock. Conifers in the form of pines, firs and cedars were found to be the easiest to establish and have been widely planted, however some of the species planted in the past have tended to spread and, in some instances, resulted in a major pest control cost.  

The Central Otago Wilding Conifer Control Group is encouraging landowners to transition Pine and Douglas Fir, particularly Pinus contorta, shelterbelts, to non-spreading species. Check out their Dry Central Otago Shelterbelt Guide below. Learn more about their work and if you live in Central and want to help visit their interactive and informative website

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