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Funding opportunities open… get in quick!

Date: 22nd November 2022

Two funds are now open for applications. We encourage you to get cracking with applications. If you need help, please let Jo know – part of WPN’s job is to help with these sorts of things and funding applications can be challenging.

A few tips to help with preparing an application…

  1. Make sure you read all the application criteria thoroughly.

2. Ask for help from the fund managers – they’re always really helpful.

3. Keep it simple, informative and concise – those assessing applications often have heaps of them to read and will be attracted to short, punchy, relevant ones with good graphics, a history of work (or if a new project a really sound idea that has been well thought out) and good partnerships and accurate costings

4. Get support letters from your community and send with your application. these are community funds and so partnerships matter. WPN will send a letter – just let Jo know.

5. Get a person who knows your project well and someone who doesn’t know it to review your application before you send it so they can help with changes that may need to be made.

6. Get your application in on time and ideally before the due date. Don’t leave it till the last minute. Rush jobs reduce your chance of success and stress you out!


The DOC Community Fund supports community-led conservation projects on public and private land. There is $7.2 million available in the 2022/23 funding round for threatened species and ecosystems projects. To apply for this fund, you must meet the eligibility criteria listed below. If you are eligible, read the guide and complete the application form.

Douglas fir encircling a native enclave of hebes and Dracophyllum – Branch Leatham catchment – Marlborough

You can apply to this funding stream if the project:

Eligibility criteria

  • reduces the extinction risk of priority threatened species (limited to those defined as Nationally Critical, Nationally Endangered or Nationally Vulnerable species at their priority management sites) or protects and enhances priority ecosystems (guided by the Top 850 Ecosystem Management Units, Ngā Awa sites, Marine Reserves and Rare and Threatened Ecosystem types).
  • is community-led. (For example, led by whānau, hapū, iwi, community conservation groups, not-for-profit organisations or umbrella groups. Government departments and local authorities cannot apply.)
  • seeks funding for up to 3 years

Copy the link above into your search engine for more information including assessment criteria and how to email the DOC CF team for advice. Applications close 1pm on 31st January 2023 and you will be advised on the outcome of your application in April 2023.


Lottery Environment and Heritage grants are available for projects that will help protect, conserve or care for our natural, cultural and physical heritage, or allow us to better understand and access these resources.

There are 3 categories natural, physical and cultural heritage. Natural heritage is probably the most relevant for wilding projects. Projects would need to show they:

  • protect and restore habitats and ecosystems for native plants or animals 
  • protect and conserve native plants or animals that are rare, in danger or at risk in their habitats 
  • improve public access and information about native plants and animals. 
Wilding pines Mount Tarawera

However, if your project protects significant heritage sites do consider the other categories. For more information on how to apply and what you need to include, copy the link below into your search engine:

The fund opens on 4th January 2023 and closes on 1 March 2023. You will be advised on the outcome of your application by 31 May 2023.

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