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October 2022 Newsletter is finally out

Date: 19th October 2022

In this newsletter – information on our advocacy programme ” Sustaining the Gains” to address the 2023 funding reduction and how you can help, a new member on our management committee, the recently released control guidelines, links to conference PowerPoints, finalists in the NZ Biosecurity Awards, information on the review of the National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry…

My apologies in the haste to get this out I noticed I did not include that we have had a change on our management committee as our North Island Regional Council representative.

Craig Davey from Horizons Regional Council a long-time wilding manager amongst other things biosecurity has stood down and is replaced by Sam Stephens from Bay of Plenty Regional Council.

A selection of wilding challenges in the Bay of Plenty Region (taken from Sam Stephens presentation at 2022 WPN Conference.

Sam is currently a Biosecurity Officer at the Bay of Plenty Regional Council, based in Whakatane and has been in that role for 6 years. He is currently the Management Unit Manager for the Rangitâiki MU (East of Taupo) and is an Operational Manager for the private land in that MU in the BOP region. Welcome Sam.

Sam says his main takeaways to work on are:

– Improving our engagement with contractors:

                – We hold contractors to a high standard, yet don’t always give them the feedback they are seeking. They want to be audited, not just for H&S but also their performance so they can continually improve.

                – Any funding solutions/models need to be smoothed over time so we can give the contractors, that have lifted their game to the programmes high spec, more certainty.

– I also think we need to do some thinking around how we engage with Iwi meaningfully to co-manage future priorities. Especially with the new Iwi consultation aspect of the NWCCP funding agreement variations that have just come out. This is bound to involve a desire for Iwi to deliver some of the work, so we need to be ready to support them in this.

Please take the time to read the newsletter. If there are topics, you would like covered in the next one (Nov) please let me know. If you are not on our mailing list and would like to be please also let me know or if you wish to be removed.

Posted in: News