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PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE BIOSECURITY ACT – Submissions close December 13th 2024

Date: 13th November 2024

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has completed a review of the Biosecurity Act 1993. They have a developed a range of proposals to update and modernise the Act. Submissions from stakeholders are essential to understand the impacts each proposal may have.

MPI and WPN are holding a joint webinar on November 25th at 5pm. Register using the following link http://Invitation to webinar: Biosecurity Act Review and wilding pines.

The suggested changes relate to 6 topics, each of which has a discussion document setting out the proposals. You do not have to read every document to make a submission, and you may choose to read and submit only on topics or proposals that are of most interest to you. They have a prepared a discussion document for each of the 6 topics plus an overview document that ties them together and provides additional context. For more information and a submission form go to: Proposed amendments to the Biosecurity Act | NZ Government.

Submissions close on December 13th. WPN will be submitting – we will load our submission onto the WPN website in the NEWS section when the submission is completed.

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