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Whakatipu Wildings on Rural Delivery

Date: 10th May 2023

A really great insight into the work and challenges of the Whakatipu Wilding Conifer Control Group fronted by Will McBeth of DOC aired on Rural Delivery on Saturday 6th May. 2023

” The cost benefits of control are compelling. Approximately for every $1 spent on control – there is $30 plus dollars of economic gains back – pasture protection, water yield, recreational values and biodiversity gains all add up to a really strong argument to preserve our natural environment from this ferocious pest.”

It’s well worth watching and makes the work to keep funding at levels where gains continue to be made very compelling. It stresses the importance of raising awareness to get acceptance for the work and for funding to continue. It also graphically shows how far seeds can travel in montane landscapes.

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